01.食 – eat
14 items found
Give life to the work

I am holding my solo exhibition at Retroft Museo in Kagoshima this week. Since I will be at the gallery...
Tea break

The other day, my friends visited my house, so I decided to make "Mohnkuchen"; a poppy seed cake. I adapted...

I submitted my sole trader application to the local tax office on May 11th. The paperwork was easily completed using...
After The Long Holiday..

The heavy rain during the long holiday in Kagoshima has gone, and the weather has been calm and nice for...
May | A new beginning

I left my job at the end of last month and have decided to pursue my artwork from now on....
Post with Right Sidebar

Mauris euismod efficitur viverra. Duis nec efficitur dui. Integer commodo, nisi eu tincidunt cursus, lectus ipsum posuere elit, non pulvinar
Standard Post – No Sidebar
Mauris euismod efficitur viverra. Duis nec efficitur dui. Integer commodo, nisi eu tincidunt cursus, lectus ipsum posuere elit, non pulvinar.
Video Post
Mauris euismod efficitur viverra. Duis nec efficitur dui. Integer commodo, nisi eu tincidunt cursus, lectus ipsum posuere elit, non pulvinar.
Gallery Post

Maecenas sit amet vehicula metus. Nullam vitae iaculis elit. Maecenas lacinia, ex eget mattis convallis, sapien ipsum rhoncus leo, quis pharetra dolor lorem sed urna. Etiam orci nunc, eleifend sed massa non, vestibulum eleifend nisl. In at posuere leo.
Post with Left Sidebar