
Naomi Nakama works in line with the Japanese Wabi-sabi aesthetic which values impermanence, asymmetry, roughness, simplicity, intimacy and appreciation of the intrinsic nature of materials and processes. She works intuitively and instinctively, embracing the chance effects of her materials to build richly textured surfaces. Nakama juxtaposes colour and texture with figurative elements and sometimes collage or assemblage in order to ‘agitate the air’ on the painted surface.

Born in Japan, Naomi Nakama moved to New Zealand with her family at the age of ten. After graduating from Elam School of Fine Arts with a BFA in 2003, she returned to Japan to re-connect with the Japanese culture and spent some time working in special effects make up, assisting Tomoo Haraguchi on the horror film “Ashurajou no Hitomi”. Re-energised by these influences and experiences, on her subsequent return to NZ Nakama resolved to focus on her art practice.


鹿児島県出身、幼少期よりニュージーランドに在住。2003年オークランド大学 芸術学部 造形科 (Bachelor of Fine Arts) 卒業後、日本にてアニメーション制作や特殊メイクのアシスタントとして映画撮影などに関わる。 2005年ニュージーランドに戻り、画家として活動を開始。同年、日本の Cassina ixc. にてデビュー。その後日本やニュージーランドで個展やグループ展に多数参加。 自然との調和や不完全さの中に美しさを見出す日本の「侘び寂び」に魅せられ、心に映る情景や記憶などと組み合わせた独特の世界観を作り続けている。