May | A new beginning

I left my job at the end of last month and have decided to pursue my artwork from now on. It’s already been over 2 years since I returned to my hometown in Kagoshima, Japan. In this new environment, I was fortunate to meet new people and find new opportunities.
However, I now feel ready to set up my own studio and make artwork my main priority for being here. I was comfortable with a steady job and income, but I’m tired of making excuses for not creating because of everyday life.
Well, I’ve already burned the bridges behind me, so I have no choice but to move forward. I have many plans, and while it won’t be easy, I know that with a clear vision, I can make them a reality. I will document my journey here and share it with you. I’ll be honest about my feelings, not only the positive ones but also my fears and anxieties.
This will be my long monologue to express my emotions. I’ve always struggled with sharing my thoughts and feelings, but it’s time to do so. If my artwork resonates with you, please follow this page and watch over me.
Thank you.
生まれ故郷の鹿児島に帰ってきて早2年が過ぎ、 新しい環境でたくさんの出会いと機会に恵まれました。仕事を得て生活できるだけの収入も得るようになり、それなりに満足もしていたけど、日々の雑用に追われていることを創作しないことの言い訳にする自分にうんざりもしていて。